To request Evangelism Training,
or Prayer Request.
That His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
1. Teach all men how to understand, receive, and maintain the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit after salvation
2. Equip and make man Ready to enter and operate on earth in the Kingdom of God
3. Prepare man and make him ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven
4. Reach out to ALL NATIONALITIES; and Nations of people.
Article II
The purposes for which this corporation is formed are:
1. To Equip the saints in walk in power and authority and He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
We believe in the plenary, Plenary definition, full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified: powers. Verbal inspiration of the accepted Scriptures as originally given
(2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 2:13).
a. We believe in the doctrine of the apostolic teaching of the Apostles of the New Testament Church.
We believe in the unity of the Godhead and in the administration Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Regarding salvation, we teach the need for conviction of sin, repentance, restitution, and confession for salvation. Pentecostal teaching of tongues as a sign of Holy Spirit Baptism and in our teaching that the ministry of Apostles and Prophets should never cease in this Church Age.
2. To establish a Biblical Christian Church with a School of the Bible department and with missionary, literature, educational and all other departments it may deem useful to propagate and practice the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and for its service to the community.
3. It is one purpose of this local church corporation to earnestly seek and promote the unity of God’s people in the Scriptural manner of Godly love, respect, and faithful voluntary cooperation with liberty. To that end it shall associate and cooperate freely with other churches and with church organizations.
Apostle Marilyn McIntosh, is truly a woman of God, who walks in authority and power of the Holy Spirit. She is a leader, mentor, midwife, and a woman after God’s heart. Apostle McIntosh prophetic and strategically plans to win souls for the Kingdom of God outside the walls of the physical Church. Apostle McIntosh leads people to know the Holy Spirit, through manifestation of witnessing, praying, healing the sick and knowing the power of the Holy Spirit herself. She teaches to die to self, how (surrender) to the will of the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. Which will result in falling in love with God's presence. To desire a hunger for God, and to go deeper in His presence.
Anywhere Apostle McIntosh has traveled she left an impact for the Kingdom of God to advance. Her focus extends from commercial stores to numerous countries; the fragrance of Lord is always in the midst where she is present.
Apostle Marilyn McIntosh is founder of “Jesus Feed My Sheep” Evangelism International Ministries, Inc., mother Church in Katy, Texas, together with her husband, Byron McIntosh, parents of 6 children, 9 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. Currently Apostle Marilyn McIntosh is celebrating 24 years of ministry.
Since a young age, she was embraced with God’s presence. As a child, Apostle Marilyn's grandmother saw her playing on the cotton fields and asked her who she was playing with. She would with a smile say,” I am playing with Jesus”. Her grandmother, told her she had a” seer’s gift”, she also said God would use her when she got older to preach because her heart that was close to God."
When visiting her grandparents, they would always attend church and elderly praying ladies would sit them on what is called “moaning bench”. They the Pastors, and other Elders of the Church would walk around them, praying in the Holy Spirit and singing old hymns. Marilyn's Parents use to place her and siblings on the floor and read the Bible to them. Her my Dad or Uncles would pretended to be Joshua, David and Samson and her Granddaddy would play the role of Jesus.
In 1997, Apostle Marilyn McIntosh accepted her calling, and Jesus Feed My Sheep Evangelism International Ministries was birthed. The manifestations of The Holy Spirit immediately revealed to her first sermon in 2000,” How to Fall in love with Jesus”. The Lord spoke to her in dream and meditation on books of John, Isaiah, Amos, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to call the Nations to Repentance.
Apostle Dr. Marilyn McIntosh received an Honorary Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling advanced studies degree Integrating spiritual perspectives with the practice clinical counseling and psychotherapy, at Open Arms International Bible College and Seminary Chicago, Illinois. Based on her steadfast work and training others in understanding Homeles
Apostle Dr. Marilyn McIntosh received an Honorary Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling advanced studies degree Integrating spiritual perspectives with the practice clinical counseling and psychotherapy, at Open Arms International Bible College and Seminary Chicago, Illinois. Based on her steadfast work and training others in understanding Homelessness in the Streets of Chicago Il, with Open Arms International Bible College, Atlanta GA. Seattle WA. Racine WI and now Houston TX in communicating and counseling.
She has been described by many leaders as a fresh voice with a passion for winning souls. Her diligence led her to ask the Lord, "How do you want me (her) to encourage the saints to join her in the streets, the highways and byways to seek and heal the broken hearted, lay hands on the sick? Feed and clothed those that were in need. Which led her to writing an Evangelism Training Manual" Transforming Saints into Soldiers, Finding and Equipping the Lost Sons of God".
The passion and love she has for the Ministry of Evangelism for this generation is Powerful! Led her to decree and declare every word that our Heavenly Father had spoken unto her shall come to pass. That she shall train and equip the saints for evangelism and fire to those who desire learning evangelism or believe they are called to evangelism.
She Operates in the prophetic and revelatory knowledge of God's plan for restoration and revival in this right now season of time for a right now people. The anointing on her person for ministering is powerful. Other ministers present have witness the power of the Holy Spirit, operating through her demonstrating signs and wonders, including salvation, physical and emotional healings.
In 2011, Apostle Marilyn McIntosh was invited and God granted her favor to teach, preach, and minister at the International Pastors, and Ministers Conference in Nigeria. The power of The Holy Spirit manifested with great love in demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit.
The power of The Holy Spirit manifested with great love in demonst
In 2011, Apostle Marilyn McIntosh was invited and God granted her favor to teach, preach, and minister at the International Pastors, and Ministers Conference in Nigeria. The power of The Holy Spirit manifested with great love in demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit.
The power of The Holy Spirit manifested with great love in demonstration and power where she was lead of the Holy Spirit to lay hands and prayed for more than 200 attending Pastors, Leaders and Ministers of the Gospels.
Apostle McIntosh was has traveled through United States and abroad internationally and across geographical boundaries with teaching and preaching and healing and Deliverance Ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit and His Glory she has been used by the Lord to see several moves of God with thousands of people being her fully impacted and transformed by the power of God. the Villages of Nigeria where the power of God again manifested in his presence upon the people we're healing and deliverance took place.
Apostle McIntosh, was scheduled to Preach in Seattle Washington is (3) day Revival. After the Revival meeting, she was asked to temporarily resume there for 9 months. During her stay she assisted in Evangelism.
Explore the Ministry of evangelism with Apostle Marilyn Lott McIntosh's eye-opening new book Transforming Saints into Soldiers. Through the course of twenty-one chapters, the author discusses the ins and outs Christianity's most pressing questions and concepts. From "10 Reasons Why Jesus was Crucified" to "The Do's and Don'ts of Witnessin
Explore the Ministry of evangelism with Apostle Marilyn Lott McIntosh's eye-opening new book Transforming Saints into Soldiers. Through the course of twenty-one chapters, the author discusses the ins and outs Christianity's most pressing questions and concepts. From "10 Reasons Why Jesus was Crucified" to "The Do's and Don'ts of Witnessing," readers will gain a comprehensive glimpse into the heart of Christianity itself.
This Book is also considered as a Manual to Evangelism, you can use it for Equip your team to GO Share love for Christ! with others.
I recommend "Does America still believe in Jesus Christ?" by Alphonso Lott, see my gallery and click on the picture and it will send you to his amazon link.
To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up in the until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
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If you desire to do what Jesus says do? feed the poor bring the Gospel of Love the poor heal the Brokenhearted. Email: apostlemcintosh@yahoo.com
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Restoring the heart to surrender to God, heal, forgive and repent
Why JESUS FEED MY SHEEP wants to train saints of to demonstrate the Love of JESUS and His HOLY SPIRIT to others
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Galatians 6:8
Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
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